Important ! 

The game is available in 2 versions : web and .exe file

I highly suggest you to pick up the .exe file, as the web version as really not great framerate (40 fps on average), and some little bugs, especially on the audio side and a bug that broke the mouse control (to avoid it, try to not move the mouse too quickly), while the .exe version can run on constant 100-120 fps, and doesn't have the bugs of the web version.

But if you don't want, no problem, the web version is still playable !


Pygenstein 3D is a Wolfenstein 3D clone game made in Pygame, in approximatively 2 weeks.

The goal of the game is the following : you are BJ Blazkowicz, and you have to espape one more time from the Wolfestein Castle. For that, you will need to find two keys, a blue and a yellow one, to open the front door, and escaping that one hell of a place.For helping you in that task, you will have access to a variety of weapons to attack and defend yourself, and items to regain health.In your way, you will encouter guards and officers, who will obviously try to kill you.

The game has only one level, because this project was made for learning purposes, and so i doesn't want to take mounths to create maps and maps.

The available level takes 3 to 5 minutes to complete.

I'm planning to release the source code, fully documented, on my Github in some weeks.


I made this project to learn how raycasting engine works from the roots.

To make and understand the fundamentals of the engine, i watched the excellent video from Coder Space about how to make a Wolfenstein 3D like game in Python with Pygame : 

I then added a lot of things to enhance and diversify the game, such as : 

-Complex weapon system, with shared ammos, intelligent wheel system, autoshoot, ...

-Pickables items, such as weapons and health item

-Main menu

-Better HUD, with BJ face display, current weapon used and his ammo display, ...

-Music manager


and more !


Commands : 

WASD : move

LeftShift (toggle) : walk / run

Mouse : rotate character (you only need to rotate the character on the horizontal axis, so try to not move the mouse on the y axis.

Left mouse button : shoot

2, 3, 4, 5 : weapons access (2 = pistol, 3 = shotgun, 4 : submachinegun, 5 : infantry rifle)

Mouse wheel up and down : weapons access via the weapon wheel


Credits : 

Wolfenstein 3D sprites, textures and musics: ID Software

All sounds effects except the weapon ones : 

Weapons sprites and sounds : 

- Pistol (Colt45) : JoeyTD and SuperSonix07 on Realm667

-Shotgun (Model1887) : JoeyTD on Realm667

-Submachinegun (Thompson SMG) : XLightningStormL and Captain Toenail on Realm667

-Rifle (Intantry Rifle) : Joblez on Realm667

I hope that you will enjoy the game !


Pygenstein3D - 21 MB

Install instructions

Download the file, and extract the files with a software like Winrar of Zip7
KEEP the .exe file and the 'Resources' folder on the same folder, otherwise the game won't work.


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Thank you for posting this, it's slick. Did you make any more progress with sharing the source code?